英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:43:35
  • 双语例句

1. make a mock of的近义词

1. His bully make a mock of all the fine thing he say about kindness to others.

2. make a mock of的近义词

2. Make a mock of sb.

3. The same need to use Profile Assistant to RGB source profile color characteristics, mock target color characterization file and printer output color characteristics of a description file that is downloaded to the printer's hard disk, and then in the printer driver to make the appropriate selection in the.

4. make a mock of什么意思

4. It is a mark of depravity to make a mock of good advice and kind rebuke.

5. Here is a mock-up of how one builder expects to make existing homes more energy efficient.

6. All kinds of mock examinations make senior three students feel nervous and uneasy all the time and they dare not to have a little slackness in their studies. While they usually have heavy learning tasks, they have to endure tremendous pressure.

It is a mark of depravity to make a mock of good advice and kind rebuke.(嘲笑别人的忠告和善意指责是堕落的标志。)
His bully make a mock of all the fine thing he say about kindness to others.(他那恃强欺弱的行为对于他所说的待人友善的漂亮言词是一个嘲弄。)
If you use singleton aspects (the default), any change you make to an aspect's fields, such as replacing one with a mock, must be undone at the end of the test.(如果使用单元素方面(默认的),那么对于方面的字段所做的所有改变,如用mock替换一个字段,在测试结束时都必须撤销。)
make a mock of是什么意思 make a mock of在线翻译 make a mock of什么意思 make a mock of的意思 make a mock of的翻译 make a mock of的解释 make a mock of的发音 make a mock of的同义词